After a long week in the office, it’s time to take a break and consider your house cleaning chores. It is all about the laundry. The week’s clothes, shorts and T-shirts for sports practice and pajamas are piling up in the laundry basket and it’s time to get the clothes back on the hanger or in the dresser. Today you will:

  • Soak clothes with tough stains
  • Make sure the kids’ sports uniforms are ready for weekend games
  • Strip sheets from beds and launder
  • Clean blankets
  • Wash towels
  • Fold clean laundry
  • Iron
  • Hand wash delicate items
  • Put clean clothes away
  • Wash bed skirts (once a month)
  • Separate suits and dresses for the dry cleaners

Take a break for Self-Centered Sunday! No housekeeping for you on this day. Enjoy your time indulgences to celebrate your day off from cleaning. Your work schedule restarts tomorrow so enjoy your day off.