Many businesses use generalized cleaning services daily or weekly to take care of those essential cleaning tasks throughout their Facility. Whether you have an in-house janitorial team or outsource your cleaning needs, both teams likely perform the same basic tasks. This may include scrubbing bathrooms, wiping down desks and counters, vacuuming, sweeping, and handling the other cleaning tasks commonly associated with that particular business.

On the other hand, specialized cleaning services take care of those tasks that are not included as part of your regular cleaning requirements but must still be effectively managed to create a better overall environment for your staff and customers.

Specialized cleaning services are wide-ranging and can accommodate a multitude of situations. They are perfect for demanding situations or projects—these are the kind of services you’ll call on when regular cleaning isn’t enough.

For example, specialized cleaning services can include taking extra care of floors by stripping and waxing, scrubbing, recoating, burnishing, carpet extraction, or something more simple, like carefully cleaning the surfaces of marble floors that require specialized care.

Specialized cleaning does not stop indoors. It also includes outdoor services such as trash pickup around your building and parking areas, exterior window washing, pressure washing, and landscaping needs. More specific services include construction cleanup and disaster recovery.