A clean manufacturing facility leads directly to increased productivity. When employees have a clean, healthy, safe place to work, they will feel well and achieve their peak performance. They are also less likely to take time off from work or struggle with tasks because they became injured in unclean, hazardous conditions. Productivity losses because of employee health problems cost employers $1,685 per employee per year, or $225.8 billion annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

And healthy employees are likely to have better morale overall, which leads to more positive attitudes, better collaboration and more dedicated work — up to  12% higher productivity.

The cleanliness of equipment leads to increased productivity as well. Equipment that becomes clogged with dust, oil, grease or debris will perform more sluggishly than clean equipment. Making sure your manufacturing facility is thoroughly cleaned is an excellent way to get the best productivity from both your human employees and your machinery.

The cleanliness of a manufacturing facility impacts product quality as well. If equipment or surfaces become contaminated with dirt, dust or grease, products may also be contaminated. A little dirt or smudging could diminish the appeal of your product and make consumers less likely to buy, thus cutting into your profits. If your facility manufactures sensitive products like electronic equipment, contaminated production conditions could lead to product defects. And depending on your industry, product contamination can present a public health hazard well.

Help ensure the high quality of your products by investing in reliable cleaning services to keep production surfaces contaminant-free.

Want To Partner With Us?

We offer facility cleaning services, sanitary disposal bins, fumigation/ pest control and toiletries supply in Nairobi for Central Kenya, Kisumu for Western Kenya, Eldoret for North Rift Kenya. Email us on sales@firstclasscleaning.co.ke and we’ll be glad to service you.