Do have unwanted guests in your bed? Here are 5 places to check for Bed Bugs so you can know for sure!

  1. Pillowcases

Bed Bugs love to hide close to where you sleep. This makes your pillowcase an ideal spot. Although it’s not the most common hiding place, it is the easiest to check. Start by carefully removing your pillow from its case. Check the inside corners for signs such as little black dots, blood smears, or even live bugs.

  1. Fitted Sheets

Again, not the most common place but one of the easiest to check. After removing any comforters or top sheets, carefully remove the fitted sheet, one corner at a time. Inspect the inside of each corner before moving to the next, playing close attention to the seams.

  1. Top of your Mattress

Bed Bugs hate to be disturbed and since the top of your bed is constantly moved and shifted on, they usually won’t set up shop there. However, you should still give the top of your mattress a good once over to look for black spots or blood stains.

  1. The Rest of Your Mattress

Now it’s time to get to the crucial areas. Flip over your mattress for the best view possible. Inspect the seams and bottom corners of the mattress as well as along the zipper. Look for the signs as closely as you can. You may want to use a flashlight for a clearer picture.

  1. Box Springs and Bed Frames

Now that your mattress is removed, it’s time to look at the most common spots Bed Bugs like to hide. The bottom of the box spring is the all-time favorite home for bed bugs. Remember to check the “3 C’s”: cracks, crevices, and corners. Next, do the same with your bed frame, especially your headboard. If you have a metal or dark colored bed frame, a flashlight is definitely recommended.

If you think you’ve found signs of bed bugs, don’t freak out! Email us a call on to learn how to get rid of these unwanted pests and get your life back to normal.