When a student or staff member becomes ill

When a student or staff member develops any symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19 in a school or child care setting:

  • Isolate the person in a separate room while they wait to be picked up or until they are able to leave the facility on their own. Ensure that they have hygiene supplies available, including a cloth face covering / face shield, facial tissues, and alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Remind staff who are monitoring the student or staff member with symptoms to wear a cloth face mask and practice social distancing. Close off the space used for isolation after the ill person leaves. Wait 24 hours before you clean or disinfect. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible. Open outside doors and windows and use ventilating fans to increase air circulation in the area.
  • Open the space for use after proper cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick, such as high-touch surfaces, and items they have touched (e.g., individual desk, cot, recently used toys, shared equipment).

Wear gloves when cleaning, and wash hands after removing gloves.

General precautions for the cleaning staff after an ill student has been in your facility

The risk of getting COVID-19 from cleaning is low. The following are general precautions for cleaning staff, given that community transmission of COVID-19 is occurring:

  • Staff should not touch their face while cleaning and only after they can wash hands after cleaning.
  • Cleaning staff should wear uniforms (or designated work clothes) and disposable gloves when cleaning and handling trash. Cleaning staff should change clothes at the end of a shift. It may be helpful for them to keep a change of clothes at work.
  • Clothing worn while cleaning should be placed in a plastic bag until it can be laundered. Laundering should be done as soon as possible and done safely at home.
  • Cleaning staff should thoroughly wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after gloves are removed.
  • Staff who are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting should be trained to use disinfectants safely and effectively and to safely clean up potentially infectious materials and body fluids – blood, vomit, feces, and urine.

All cleaning staff should be trained on the hazards of the cleaning chemicals used in the workplace. Incase you need any our cleaning service packages for your facility contact us on sales@firstclasscleaning.co.ke