Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives at home, in school and in the office. Cleaning and disinfection, along with other infection control measures like hand hygiene and isolation precautions, are important ways to help stop the spread of corona virus. By safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, use of 0.5% chlorine during cleaning prevents the spread of infectious diseases and control allergens, such as dust and mold, helping us to stay healthy.

Wet contact time is the amount of time that a surface being disinfected should remain wet with disinfectant. Wet contact times for chlorine range from 2 minutes to 10 minutes depending on the microbe/virus. For wet contact times more than 10 minutes, chlorine solution or other acceptable disinfectant may have to be reapplied. When treating surfaces that are potentially contaminated with corona virus and other bloodborne pathogens, allow a wet contact time of 10 minutes with a chlorine solution of 0.5% to 0.6%.

Chemicals used for cleaning and in cleaning products, such as laundry detergents, bleaches, dishwashing products and other household cleaners, help improve cleaning efficiency, making homes, offices and other environments both easier to clean and more hygienic.

Chlorinated cleaning products can help protect against seasonal flu outbreaks and episodes of foodborne illness. Daycare centers, hospitals, restaurants and other public facilities rely upon the disinfectant qualities of chlorine-based cleaners to keep the environment germ-free.

Cleaning products, while safe and effective, must be handled appropriately to protect the health of consumers and their families. Users should follow all safe handling instructions on a product’s label before using a particular cleaning product.